Developing a Best-in-Class Learning & Development Function to Support Growth

Background & the Client Challenge

Fexco Managed Services had ambitious growth plans. With this in mind, they wanted to ensure all the right pieces of the puzzle were in place to allow the business to scale effectively to meet this growth. 

The Leadership Team recognised the critical role played by Learning & Development (L&D) in any growth journey, so they took a detailed look at their existing L&D operation. 

Fexco understood that what was needed was functional L&D leadership with a depth of knowledge to implement “what good looks like in a Managed Services world” from a training perspective.   

They also recognised that the existing team was operating in a siloed way, and needed to become more integrated with the wider Managed Services business in order to positively impact a range of outcomes.   

Fexco leadership understood what was needed was a cohesive Managed Services L&D strategy, supported by detailed action plans. 

With this in mind, Fexco made the decision to bring in 3SIXTY. 

What We Did

Working closely with the Fexco Managed Services team, we started to build out a cohesive strategy for L&D, ensuring that the focus of this strategy was fully aligned with the overall business strategy. As part of this, we engaged with all relevant stakeholders to get their views. We reviewed the existing team structure, existing Training materials, post-Training mentoring, and the ways in which training was being delivered.

In collaboration with the Fexco Managed Services team, we conducted a detailed assessment of existing team members against the Ideal Role Profile in order to highlight key strengths as well as any development opportunities. The output of this was a comprehensive Team Training Plan as well as a  set of individual development plans, with key deliverables and associated action plans. 3SIXTY’s involvement extended to providing support and mentoring at all levels, ensuring the successful delivery of action plans. This approach ensured a well-rounded, tailored training programme, tightly aligned with individual, team, and company goals. 

One of the things the client had identified was the need to standardise training materials. With this objective in mind, we established a uniform approach called “How we do Learning around here – The Play Book.” This was a comprehensive checklist which helped ensure all materials were fit-for-purpose. Working closely with the Fexco Managed Services team, we developed standardised templates, streamlining content creation for a cohesive and effective training strategy across operations.

We also looked at what was happening in terms of culture. With this in mind, we developed a “Community of Practice” as well as establishing regular, structured meetings. We also developed and delivered Training for Trainers, ensuring that everyone was on the same page, and delivering a uniform experience to end users.    

While our primary focus was on L&D, we also identified opportunities to streamline and improve aspects of Quality in the operation.

“I took the decision to bring in 3SIXTY because I knew that as we continued to scale, we needed to make sure we had a best-in-class Learning & Development function. I knew we needed to put the right structures, and culture, in place. And I wanted to make this happen fast. I didn’t want “advice”. I wanted someone who would come in, roll up their sleeves, and get things done. I wanted a plan, and then I wanted this plan executed. And this is exactly what I got from 3SIXTY. As well as being really strong operationally and technically, and delivering what we needed, I was really impressed by 3SIXTY’s commitment to doing the right thing for our business”

Martin Ryan, Managing Director, Fexco Managed Services


By recognising the important role played by the L&D function in supporting growth plans, and by making the decision to bring in external support, Fexco Managed Services was able to:  

  • Develop a cohesive Strategy with supporting Implementation Plans
  • Implement the strategy, ensuring the full team “came on the journey”
  • Move the Training approach to a model where interactive multi-modal training is being delivered
  • See the L&D team now regarded by other Business Units as a valuable and credible resource (attrition has reduced and KPIs have improved)
  • Improve collaboration between L&D and other areas of the Managed Services business, with L&D now proactively sharing best practice


To find out how 3SIXTY can support your business, contact BrianOBrien@3SIXTY.ie

Brian O’Brien

Partner & Head Of
Growth Strategies

Get in touch to find out how 3SIXTY can help your business deliver its full growth potential.